The Little Ant and the Hardworking Grasshopper | Moral story for kids


The story is about a little ant and a grasshopper who have different approaches to life. The ant works hard and plans for the future, while the grasshopper spends his time singing and dancing. When winter arrives, the ant is prepared with enough food, while the grasshopper is hungry and cold. The grasshopper learns a valuable lesson about the importance of hard work and planning from the ant and changes his ways. They become good friends and work together to collect more food for the upcoming winter. In the end, they enjoy the beautiful spring season together, and their friendship continues to thrive. The moral of the story is that hard work and planning are essential for success in life.

Let’s read this moral story

Once upon a time, in a green meadow, there lived a little ant and a hardworking grasshopper. The little ant was always busy collecting food and storing it in her tiny hole, while the grasshopper spent most of his time singing and dancing.

The Little Ant and the Hardworking Grasshopper | Moral story for kids

One sunny day, while the little ant was busy collecting some grains, the grasshopper approached her and said, “Hey, little ant! Why are you working so hard? Come, sing and dance with me. Life is all about enjoying the moment.”

The little ant replied, “I cannot come with you, grasshopper. I have to collect and store enough food for the winter season. If I don’t do that, I will not survive the cold and harsh winter.”

The grasshopper shrugged and continued singing and dancing. As days passed, the little ant worked harder and harder to collect more food, while the grasshopper continued to enjoy his leisure time.

Soon, winter arrived, and with it came a fierce cold wave. The little ant was safe and warm in her tiny hole, with enough food to last her through the winter. However, the grasshopper was shivering in the cold and had nothing to eat. He realized his mistake and regretted not listening to the little ant’s advice.

The Little Ant and the Hardworking Grasshopper | Moral story for kids

The grasshopper went to the little ant’s hole and knocked on the door. The little ant opened the door and saw the grasshopper shivering with hunger. The grasshopper apologized for his behavior and begged for some food.

The little ant felt sorry for the grasshopper and shared some of her food with him. The grasshopper learned a valuable lesson that day – the importance of hard work and planning for the future.

From that day on, the grasshopper started working hard like the little ant. He collected food and stored it for the winter season. He learned that life is not just about enjoying the moment but also about planning and preparing for the future.

The little ant was happy to see the grasshopper change for the better. She realized that hard work and perseverance pay off in the end.

The little ant and the grasshopper became good friends after that incident. The grasshopper helped the little ant with her work, and in turn, the little ant taught him the importance of planning and hard work.

The Little Ant and the Hardworking Grasshopper | Moral story for kids

Together, they explored the meadow and collected more food for the upcoming winter season. The grasshopper was amazed at the little ant’s ability to work tirelessly and store enough food for the winter. He learned many new things from her, such as time management, organization, and perseverance.

As the winter season passed, the grasshopper was grateful to the little ant for teaching him such valuable lessons. He had never been happier before, and he realized that life was not just about enjoying the moment but also about planning and working towards a better future.

When the spring season arrived, the little ant and the grasshopper came out of their holes to enjoy the beautiful weather. The meadow was full of flowers, and the birds were chirping. The grasshopper looked at the little ant and said, “Thank you for everything, my dear friend. I have learned so much from you, and I will never forget your kindness.”

The Little Ant and the Hardworking Grasshopper | Moral story for kids

The little ant smiled and said, “You are welcome, my friend. I am happy to see you change for the better. Remember that hard work and planning are essential for success in life, and always be prepared for the future.”

The grasshopper nodded and said, “I will never forget your wise words, my friend. I have learned a valuable lesson, and I will always remember the little ant who taught me the importance of hard work and planning.”

From that day on, the little ant and the grasshopper continued to work hard and plan for the future. They became the best of friends, and their friendship grew stronger with each passing day.

The Little Ant and the Hardworking Grasshopper | Moral story for kids

The moral of the story is that hard work and planning are essential for success in life. It is important to prepare for the future and not just live in the moment. The little ant’s hard work and planning helped her survive the winter, while the grasshopper’s lack of preparation almost cost him his life. With the little ant’s help and guidance, the grasshopper learned the importance of hard work and planning and became a better person.

In the end, the little ant and the grasshopper enjoyed the beautiful spring season together, and their friendship continued to thrive. They lived happily ever after, knowing that hard work and planning were the keys to a successful and happy life.


Q 1. What is the moral of the story?

ANS – The moral of the story is that hard work and planning are essential for success in life. It is important to prepare for the future and not just live in the moment.

Q 2. Who are the main characters in the story?

ANS – The main characters in the story are a little ant and a grasshopper.

Q 3. Why is the ant better prepared for winter than the grasshopper?

ANS – The ant is better prepared for winter than the grasshopper because she works hard and plans for the future. She collects and stores enough food for the winter, while the grasshopper spends his time singing and dancing and does not prepare for the future.

Q 4. What does the grasshopper learn from the ant?

The grasshopper learns the importance of hard work and planning from the ant. He learns that it is important to prepare for the future and not just live in the moment.

Q 5. How does the grasshopper change after learning from the ant?

ANS – The grasshopper changes his ways after learning from the ant. He starts to work hard and plans for the future. He becomes more responsible and prepared for the upcoming winter.

Q 6. What happens to the ant and the grasshopper at the end of the story?

ANS – At the end of the story, the ant and the grasshopper enjoy the beautiful spring season together, and their friendship continues to thrive. They have learned the importance of hard work and planning and are prepared for whatever the future holds.

Q 7. What age group is this story suitable for?

ANS – This story is suitable for children of all ages. It teaches valuable lessons about hard work, planning, and the importance of friendship.

4 responses to “The Little Ant and the Hardworking Grasshopper | Moral story for kids”

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