Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom filled with rainbows and glitter, there was a fabulous drag queen named Sparkles. Sparkles loved to sing, dance, and tell stories that made people laugh and feel happy.

One day, Sparkles decided to host a special event called “Drag Queen Story Hour for Kids” at the local library. Kids of all ages were invited to come and listen to Sparkles read their favorite fairy tales and share their own stories.

As the children gathered around Sparkles, they were amazed by their beautiful outfit, full of sequins, feathers, and rainbow colors. Sparkles greeted them with a warm smile and a wave of their feather boa.
“Welcome, my little darlings! Are you ready for some fun and adventure?” Sparkles asked.
The children cheered and clapped their hands, eager to hear what Sparkles had in store for them.

Sparkles started with a classic story, “The Three Little Pigs,” but with a twist. In Sparkles’ version, the pigs were all fabulous drag queens who loved to strut their stuff on stage. The wolf was a grumpy old man who didn’t understand the joy of self-expression. But with the help of their fabulous wigs and makeup, the pigs were able to outsmart the wolf and live happily ever after.
The kids laughed and cheered as Sparkles acted out each character with exaggerated gestures and voices. They loved seeing the pigs in their colorful costumes and the wolf with a silly wig.

Next, Sparkles read a story about a brave princess who saved her kingdom from an evil sorcerer. But this time, the princess was also a drag queen who used their talent for makeup and fashion to defeat the sorcerer. The kids were inspired by the princess’s courage and creativity.
After the stories, Sparkles asked the kids if they had any questions. One little girl raised her hand.
“Why do you dress up like a girl?” she asked.
Sparkles smiled and said, “Well, my darling, I don’t dress up like a girl. I dress up like Sparkles, who loves to express themselves in a fun and colorful way. And whether I wear a dress or a suit, I’m still me, and I’m still fabulous.”
The kids nodded and smiled, understanding that everyone can be whoever they want to be and express themselves in their own unique way.

As the event came to an end, Sparkles thanked the kids for coming and reminded them that they are all special and loved just the way they are. The kids hugged Sparkles and thanked them for the fun and magical stories.
From that day on, the kids always looked forward to Sparkles’ Drag Queen Story Hour for Kids. They learned that everyone is different and unique, and that’s what makes the world a beautiful and colorful place.
And Sparkles continued to spread joy and happiness, one story at a time.